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New York's Willage Halloween Parade 2003
Un-Real Estate Listing
by Terry Lerdall-Fitterer
I answered an ad in the paper this morning while reading about an old house up for sale, the
realtor gave me a premature warning by saying all efforts to sell it had failed.
I drove out to look and it gave
me the willies, it's eerie appearance was ghoulish to see, my knees started knocking, I felt, Oh, so silly! So what
if it's haunted, how bad could it be?
I opened the lock with the key I was given and fought with the cobwebs encasing
the door, it needed repair before one could start livin' inside of this virtual 'chamber of horrors'.
The rats
in the parlor were happy to see me- the glare in their eyes quite attested to that; upstairs in the bedroom a coffin
lay neatly and guarding the box was a mangy, black cat.
I ran down the hall to a huge lab'ratory where beakers
were bubbling all over the place and bats were a swoopin' in all of their glory- I swear, one of them had Count Dracula's
I raced down the stairs and flew into the kitchen and saw that the garden was filled with headstones, there
wasn't a doubt that this place was bewitchin'- the noises it made must be rattling bones!
A telegram sat on a desk
in the entry, I thought the house vacant-who'd possibly sign? the mystery itself, was a bit elementary right after
I read it was to: Frank N. Stein.
I dashed for outdoors, where the wind became colder and didn't look back, but
I glanced to the side, the neighbor next door had two heads on his shoulders both bearing resemblance to Jekyll AND
Convinced that the joint would need much exorcising I fled to my car just as fast as I could then stepped
on the gas, the speedometer rising, my days of house-hunting were over for good!
I never returned to that 'nightmare
on Elm Street'- the scariest neighborhood I'd ever seen, recalling it now turns me white as a bedsheet and memories
still haunt me on each Halloween.

After Great Pain,
A Formal Feeling Comes by Emily Dickinson
After great pain, a formal feeling comes-- The Nerves sit ceremonious, like Toombs-- The stiff
Heart questions was it He, that bore, And Yesterday, or Centuries before?
The Feet, mechanical, go round-- Of Ground, or Air, or Ought-- A Wooden way Regardless
grown, A Quartz contentment, like a stone--
This is the Hour of Lead-- Remembered, if outlived, As Freezing persons recollect the Snow--
First--Chill--then Stupor--then the letting go--
"Where Danger Looms"
by RL Irving From
the "Halloween Tales" Website
When the darkness falls and danger looms, werewolves howl at shiny moons Dogs run scared and
bats take flight, flying off to the still of night You're walking down deserted streets, not knowing yet the things
you'll meet Whispers echo from every door, begging you to come no more Footsteps heard on the steps of stairs, taunting
you with stench filled air You start to run, you try to escape, your heart and breaths just can't keep pace
You run through the streets, screaming in fright, but no one hears you this Halloween night Then
suddenly, through the mist filled air, a shape appears with long grey hair A woman with a crystal ball, where lightening
flashes through it all Beckoning with her toothless grin, "Come closer now" and look within A tiny movement, a careless
act, will take you where you can't come back But the beauty of the ball wins out, you move closer now with stinging
doubts Forgetting the danger you look inside, revealing the secrets it strains to hide
The paperboys scream "Man found dead" working all day, their feet like lead The woman listens
with a knowing grin, the secret she holds close within Waiting for the next full moon, she walks the streets where
danger looms Humming a song no one can hear, she clutches a ball she holds so dear

Elvira's Fun House